EnumFieldSpec |
EnumFieldSpec.Builder |
EnumSpec |
Defines an enum type for the Protocol Buffer language.
EnumSpec.Builder |
ExtensionSpec |
Models an Extension using proto3 syntax.
ExtensionSpec.Builder |
FieldRange |
Represents a range of field numbers.
FieldValue |
Represents a valid protobuf value that may be assigned to a field.
ImportSpec |
Implements spec for the import statement of the Protocol Buffer language.
MapFieldSpec |
MapFieldSpec.Builder |
MessageFieldSpec |
MessageFieldSpec.Builder |
MessageSpec |
Defines a message in the Protocol Buffer language.
MessageSpec.Builder |
OneofFieldSpec |
Defines a oneof field for use with any type that implements MessageField .
OneofFieldSpec.Builder |
OptionSpec |
Models an Option in the Protocol Buffers language.
OptionSpec.Builder |
Builder for producing new instances of OptionSpec .
ProtoFile |
Models a Proto file using proto3 syntax.
ProtoFile.Builder |
Builder for producing new instances of ProtoFile .
ReservationSpec |
Models the concept of a Reservation in Protocol Buffers API.
ReservationSpec.Builder |
RpcFieldSpec |
RpcFieldSpec.Builder |
ServiceSpec |
Defines a Service in the Protocol Buffer language.
ServiceSpec.Builder |